Privacy Policy 

Welcome to HYRE! Your privacy is important to us, and we are committed to protecting your personal information.
This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, disclose, and safeguard your data when you use our services.

Let’s Talk

Handling Personal Data

Hyre K.K. ("Hyre") is committed to this privacy policy, ensuring the privacy of entities such as companies, affiliated organizations, associations, and individuals ("Users") that leverage our services ("Services"). Furthermore, Hyre handles the personal data of all Users with utmost diligence and follows Japan’s APPI’s guidelines.

Definition of Personal Information

Personal information pertains to details about an individual User, identified through their name, address, phone number, email, educational institution, and other such data. Information that doesn’t directly identify a User but can when combined with other data also falls within this category.

Gathering Personal Information

Hyre collects personal data via:

  • Direct submission from Users.
  • Automated collection when Users access our Services.
  • Indirect collection from third parties.
  • Publicly available sources, including online publications.

Hyre also gathers non-personal data like demographic details, Cookies, IP addresses, advertising IDs, and internet activity logs. If Users share personal data with Hyre, we may integrate it with this non-personal data, treating the combined data as personal.

Using Personal Information

Hyre uses personal data strictly for:

  • Sharing job-related information and aiding in job transitions.
  • Sharing personal data with our partners, based on User consent.
  • Gathering feedback for post-hiring situations and service enhancement.
  • Monitoring application and job status and receiving updates from our partners.
  • Analyzing data for website or media release.
  • Offering recruitment solutions for partner entities.
  • Addressing queries, concerns, and disputes.
  • Combatting fraudulent activities to ensure Service security.
  • Internal Hyre hiring processes.
  • Communicating via shared resources like publications.
  • Sharing information about Hyre's offerings.
  • Presenting aggregated insights on career changes and salaries on Hyre’s platforms.

When releasing data, Hyre ensures individual identities remain confidential.

Optional Provision of Personal Information

While not mandatory to share all details, incomplete data might hinder access to Hyre's full range of Services.

Sharing Personal Information with External Entities

  • Hyre in its role as a recruitment firm, may disclose specific personal details (such as company name, job title, job role, etc.) sourced from candidates or public avenues. We do this after evaluating the candidate’s stipulations, ensuring relevance, and then relaying these details to partner companies that have committed to the correct protocols regarding personal data.
  • Hyre might share personal details, obtained either from candidates or public domains, with its international affiliate companies.

However, there are scenarios where personal information might be revealed without the candidate's explicit approval, but strictly within the boundaries set by legal frameworks:

  • If the candidate poses a potential threat to another party.
  • If it's crucial for public health betterment or the wholesome development of youngsters, and gaining the candidate’s consent becomes challenging.
  • When cooperating with government bodies, local administrations, or entities designated by such bodies becomes necessary for legally mandated operations, and seeking consent from the candidate could hinder such procedures.
  • When legal authorities or similar bodies mandate the candidate's data release.
  • If the candidate specifically asks for information sharing.
  • When laws permit information disclosure.
  • In situations of business transitions, like mergers, where the data will be used within the objectives set before the transition.

Sharing Personal Information within the Group

Hyre will share personal data with group entities either digitally or on paper. When candidates opt for premium employment services Hyre will provide the necessary data. This includes, but isn't limited to, work histories communicated to Hyre and details provided during registration.

Information Sharing with Clients

Hyre might validate information about a Candidate’s application or recruitment process with our clients for seamless service delivery. It's implied that our clients will share such details with Hyre.

Outsourcing Data Handling

  • When Hyre delegates the handling of personal data:
  • Hyre might delegate the task of managing personal data, either partially or entirely. When doing so, Hyre will give clear guidance to the assigned entity.

Sharing Data with International Third Parties

Hyre might share personal data with entities outside of Japan in specific scenarios:

If sharing with foreign third parties:
When data is shared with an entity outside of Japan, Hyre will abide by stipulated guidelines concerning data provision to these third parties. For details on countries involved and their data protection practices. This third party will adhere to the local data protection standards of their country.

If outsourcing data handling internationally:
Hyre might delegate the task of data management to international entities, guiding them accordingly. This includes Hyre's international affiliates.

In case of business transitions:
Should a business transfer occur due to mergers or other factors, the succeeding entity, possibly located outside of Japan, will manage personal data as per existing usage guidelines.

Utilizing Processed Statistical Data

Hyre might develop anonymized statistical data from the provided personal information. Such anonymous data can be used by Hyre without limitations.

Disclosure and Editing of Personal Data

Upon a Candidate's request, Hyre will swiftly act to notify, disclose, modify, add/remove, pause, or delete the use of their personal data. Some requests might not be granted if they obstruct essential operations.

Data Precision

While Hyre aims to process data precisely, Candidates should ensure that their provided information is accurate and current.

Limitations on Collecting Sensitive Personal Data

Hyre will not typically collect a Candidate’s sensitive personal details that encompass the following, unless willingly provided by the Candidate:

  • Personal beliefs, ideologies, or religious affiliations
  • Data concerning race, ethnic lineage, family heritage, place of residence (excluding the candidate's prefecture), physical or mental impairments, criminal history, or any information that might lead to societal discrimination
  • Data associated with workers' rights, collective bargaining, or other collective workforce activities
  • Involvement in public protests, petition rights, or other political activities
  • Information about medical health or sexual orientation.

Amendments to the Privacy Policy

Hyre reserves the right to make necessary alterations to this Privacy Policy, unless directed otherwise by prevailing laws and guidelines.

Persons responsible for the business and manager for the protection of personal information


Queries and Feedback

For questions or clarifications about our data management practices or for requests related to the use, modification, addition, removal, or cessation of personal data sharing, kindly reach out to